Tuesday 8 March 2011

We've changed venue - McCarthy is onto us!!!

For those of you planning to join us for some cold war stock market fun this friday we've had a change of venue! Unfortunately McCarthy caught up with us after Time Out went to press with our listing!

We will now be hosting the party at
Fold Gallery, 32 Fortesque Avenue E8 3QB.
It's only 2mins away from Ground Floor Left and if you know the area its just along from London Fields Rail Station.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday 30 January 2011

Thanks and thanks again...

... to everyone who came and made the party such a success. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did and come to the next party which is in construction stages as we speak.

We've uploaded the photos of the party to facebook so if you want to try and remember the cloudier moments of the night or if you couldn't make it and want to have an idea of what's to come at the next party have a look here.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Only a couple of days...

... until Crisis a la Mode. In case you haven't seen it already, here's the trailer to the party. Hope to see you there!

Monday 17 January 2011

Blair Vs Cameron

Collective working...

So as the critics of public sector reforms are instructed to 'grow up' by the prime minister (as if to be critical about the destruction of a public sector is childish) the dismantling of a shared legacy begins.

Following in Blair's footsteps, Cameron claims to be rushing through the reforms that Blair regretted not pushing through quickly enough... but as long as we (the critics) 'grow up' it should be ok. We must remember, he tells us 'that the public are concerned by the standard of a public service rather than whether it is delivered by a charity, private company or a public sector worker.' Yet while he persists in letting us know that he has studied the mistakes of previous governments "The right were guilty of focusing too much on markets and the left were guilty of focusing too much on the state. Both forgot the space in between society." he also reminds us that his idea of 'public' and 'private' is clearly different from ours. Last time that we checked (here at Silently Revolting) 'public' meant a collection of individuals, a number of people with a shared interest, a community of stakeholders with a say in that common goal. Well where does the public benefit firstly from being dismissed and told to 'grow up' rather than have their voices heard and secondly from having no say in the decisions that affect the future of our shared services.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Bankers' bonuses...

Can we find words to describe the logic of bankers' bonuses? There are, perhaps, too many to be shouted at the selectedly deaf ears of our current coalition. Its impossible not to get angry about it. And somehow we're supposed to be grateful for their heroism in 'tackling' these difficult bank bosses, who are being described as 'entitled' to vast amounts of untaxed cash. And as for this thing about 'banker-bashing'... sounds like we should be listing it under alternative activities in Time Out.

What is it that they do that 'entitles' them to these bonuses? 

hmmm apparently 'Cameron wants smaller bank bonuses'